Thursday 16 August 2012

The awkward bit...

I'm not going to lie, I have been putting this off for a while now but it's finally time to break the ice. My name is Olivia Pollard but I'm better known as Lily.  I'm in my second year of applied science at it might seem a little bit random that I'm taking a journalism course but let me explain.  I have always been fascinated by the media and once dreamed of being a tv presenter (cliche, I know)!  

I have a few passions and often wish I could live more than one life so I can follow through with them all.  Animals are my number one and I have applied to get into Veterinary Science starting in 2013.  The performing arts comes a very close second so If my Vet career falls through, NIDA here I come!

I love Channing Tatum, green tree frogs, my dog Chester and crunchy apples.

Until next time,

Lily x

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